युक्ती हीने विचारे तु धर्महानि प्रजायते

About Centre

The Centre for Studies in Legal History aims to hold regular workshops on issues related to the origin and development of Indian legal systems. A major aim of the Centre is to start work on the digitization of Ancient Indian Legal sources, such as relevant portions of the Vedas, the Dharmasastras, the Arthasastra, the Puranas, the Mimansha School of Hindu Law and even plays such as the Mrichchakatika, which deals with a court case. It will digitize relevant High Court judgements and other sources for the use of legal researchers and honourable members of the Bar and the Bench.

Centre Director

Dr. Bikramjit De

Associate Professor
Email: bikramjitde@nujs.edu
Tel.: 00 91 2335 0534/7379 (Ex. 3110)

Research Assistant (History)

Dr. Lopamudra Maitra Bajpai

Research Assistant