युक्ती हीने विचारे तु धर्महानि प्रजायते

Dr. Arup Kumar Poddar


Prof. Poddar has done specialisation in International Environmental Law. He has total eight books under his possession, in which he edited three and authored five books. Prof. Poddar is the founder and Chief Editor of two online International Journals, they are International Journal of Law and Policy Review, 2012 [ISSN (O) 2278-3156] and International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, 2012 [ISSN (O) 2278-4764]. Prof. Poddar has done a research work in the water resource department on “The draft model bill for the protection, conservation, management and regulation of groundwater resources” in the Planning Commission, (2011) Govt. of India. Prof. Poddar is the examiner of PhD thesis of many universities, such as, University of North Bengal, Banaras Hindu University, Sikkim Central University, et cetera. He the member of board of studies of Amity University, Sikkim University and JIS University. He was the member of the Academy Council of MNLU, Mumbai during 2015-16. He was Registrar (Acting) during 2010-11 at NUJS. Prof. Poddar is the Head – School of Technology Law and Development (STLD). Prof. Poddar is the permanent members of Academic Council at NUJS. At present, he is guiding many Ph.D. candidates. For further details visit [www.aruppoddar.info].